Operating & Maintenance (O&M) Budgeting
Typically an O&M budget is increased by x% or decreased by y% with no understanding as to the impact those changes will make. Conventional budgeting techniques work well for accounting, marketing, finance, and human resources where a certain percentage cut yields a nearly parallel reduction in costs. However, there is an inverse-square relationship in deferring maintenance. Dowler Construction Services will work with the owner to create an accurate O&M budget.
There is a substantial, on-going impact of facilities on balance sheets and income statements. A fact-based budget will ...
accurately reveal what it costs to operate the facility, removed from emotion
when used with an annualized budget, assist in identifying peaks and valleys so that contract dates can be shifted to level out cash flow
improve budgeting when variance analysis of budget-versus-actual is performed on a monthly basis
allow for intelligent decisions to be made when there is discussion about belt tightening
validate and justify budget assumptions
assist in financing.
Capital Reserve Fund Analysis & Planning
Too often there is no long range, fact-based capital planning. Large capital investments can be squandered if no thought is given to the longer term effects of throwing money at a perceived, rather than actual need. Dowler Construction Services will perform a facility capital reserve fund analysis to assist the owner in creating a capital plan and show the owner how to make effective use of the available information.
A capital plan based on facts will assist the owner by ...
eliminating the "uh-oh" factor because assets have been properly identified for repair / replacement
allowing the owner to forecast when major expenses should come due
allowing for informed timing of capital / improvement projects
optimizing capital planning decisions
validating and justifying budget assumptions
allowing for systematic evaluation of all potential projects at the same time
stabilizing debt and consolidating projects to reduce financing costs
Tax-advantaged Strategies
Tax-advantaged strategies allow owners to favorably maximize the value of their facility assets through reduced operating expenses or improving cash flow.
Strategies Dowler Construction Services have used include:
property tax assessment adjustment
retirement study
cost segregation study
179D tax credit
ADA tax credit
1031 exchange
PACE financing